What our members say....
The Burlington Teen Tour Band is a very unique experience as our members grow through their teenage years. Their time in the band is spent practicing, performing, traveling long distance on buses and aircrafts, and sleeping on gym floors and in hotels. A very unique and strong bond is formed between the band members and management. Many of our present and former band members will tell you that being in the Burlington Teen Tour Band is like being part of a very large family!
But don't take our word for it, here's what some of our band members have said about the band...

Jeffrey Freeman, Drum Major - Alumni
"I have traveled with the band to places that some people wouldn't in a lifetime. I have made friends for lifetime. I am proud to represent the city of Burlington and work with their remarkably talented youth. Band for life!"

Ben Fleet, Lower Brass - Alumni
"While in the band I've had the luxury of seeing places I would never have seen, participated in events I never knew about (Rose Bowl) and meeting new people all the time. Representing Canada has been the best experience in my life."

Erica Wilk, Flute Section Leader - Alumni
"Band has something that has definitely changed me and it's a good change for sure! The friends I have in band make the practices and tours way more fun than they are to begin with!"

Tristyn Fewkes, Lower Brass - Alumni
"Only through this band, I have learned that the desire and the need to make music is harbored deep in the soul. I can honestly say being in this band, taught me that."

Brett Dickinson, Saxophone & Drum Line- Alumni
"I think this band is more than what is classified as, it's like a big family. It has shown me unforgettable memories, built many friendships and taught me valuable life skills and discipline."

Stéfan Sauer, Clarinet – Alumni
" The band is a years-long journey of conflict, doubt, inspiration, hope and pride. The life of a band member is not set in a perfect world, but rather in an environment that is made for teenagers to discover who they really are. And after almost 7 years in this organization, I have learned that the best moments in this band are not when we hit the high note, but rather when we get together as friends after a long parade."

Dustin Steplock, Drum Major - Alumni
"The BTTB was the best part of growing up! Through the many great people and friendships, it has helped me become the person I am today and given me the ability to face any challenge"

Lindsay Helmers, Colour Guard Section Leader - Alumni
"As a color guard member, section leader and member of the executive, I have grown as a person and on through truly life-changing experiences! To me, band is where it is nearly impossible to be angry! This is because we are like a family and greetings are just words but they're always accompanied with a smile and hugs! Without band. I would never have met my best friend or any of my other lasting friendships!"

Daniel Doherty, Saxophone Section Leader - Alumni
"I have met my best friends in band. It has been great! Life would be so different without band, it is my favorite extracurricular. It is my second family and my home away from home."

Bryan Szucs, Lower Brass - Alumni
"Never in my entire life has five years pass so quickly. I feel that I will never be able to repay the spectacular organization for what it has given me. I hope that the BTTB will continue to help kids just like me for many years to come!"

Katelyn Leece,
Flute Section
Leader - Alumni
"The band has given me a sense of pride and confidence that I'll use in my life without band. I've made so many friends here and I plan to make so many more! I will never forget the memories of the band and how we support one another!"

Daniel Jovanovic, Drum Line - Alumni
"It has been a humbling experience to share great memorable times with all my mates in the community that has such self-respect and pride."

Andrew Boucher, Lower Brass Section Leader - Alumni
"What the band meant to me was a second family. While in it, I got to travel all over the world and during that time made many friendships that will last a lifetime. Being a part of the band was one of the greatest things that I have ever been able to do in my life."