Quotes about the band

The late Hon. Lincoln M. Alexander
"I'm proud to be a patron of this remarkable group of youth who each year Excel and perform as it represent Canada at home and abroad."
"The Burlington Teen Tour Band is the Best of the Best"

Jean Chretien - Former Prime Minister
"I am delighted to extend my warmest greeting to the members of the Burlington Teen Tour Band, as you prepare to travel to Holland on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the cessation of hostilities in Europe leading to the end of the Second World War."
"This anniversary provides us with a wonderful opportunity to honour the men and women who joined the fight for freedom fifty years ago. Their courage and determination have given us hope that global harmony is possible. It is indeed fitting the young people such as you should play such an important role in this tribute. The future belongs to you, and it is your right that you should learn to protect it by remembering the sacrifices that have been made in the name of peace."
"I know that your audiences await your performances with great anticipation and that you will represent Canada with dignity. Please accept my best wishes for a most memorable and enjoyable visit to Holland. "

Richard Rohmer
"One of the greatest success stories in the history of Canadian municipalities."

Brian Mulroney - Former Prime Minister
"Your achievement is an admirable one, and testifies to the strength of character of the young people of Canada generally and the citizens of the fine city of Burlington in particular. A community that can raise almost three hundred thousand dollars to send its young musicians aboard as proud ambassadors of Canada must be a special place indeed, and my Government and I thank you sincerely. Through your musical good-will, you have enhanced the reputation of all Canadians. I wish you all every good fortune in future endeavours, and I thank you again for making us proud to call Canada home."

Michael Burgess
“I love working with this band – they are so professional”.

Paddy Torsney - Former M.P.

The Hamilton Spectator
"These youngsters with the dedication of adults are members of the Burlington Teen Tour Band - those world-famous Redcoats, and no, world-famous is not idle hyperbole."

Craig McRae, Band Coodinator - The Toronto Santa Clause Parade
".... As role models for Canada’s youth, you bring pride to our country and our community. As the member of Parliament for Burlington, I am proud of the Burlington Teen Tour Band members..."
"We really have a bit of everything. Just before Santa, you’ll see the Burlington Teen Tour Band — I call them Canada’s finest band..."---